Enjoy your Dzikir with Others

dzaky fatih
dzaky fatih
1 Min Read

DZIKR has to be done so that it penetrates your feeling […] This is Dzikr Rasa (Dzikr with Feeling). Dzikr is Dzikr Rasa when it does not only feel good to yourself but also to someone else […]. What we do orally and our actions and all we do in our lives feels good to ourselves and to our surroundings. Do not only look for pleasure yourself but also mind the feelings of others
Al-Khoolish, 1, 2017: 20
-Hadrotusyeikh Muhammad Abdul Gaos al-Mahdi Ra Qs-
Best wishes, al-Khoolish


DZIKIR itu harus sampai tembus ke perasaan… Inilah Dzikir Rasa. Dzikir Rasa itu ialah ketika Dzikir kita terasa enak oleh diri sendiri juga orang lain… Lisan kita, tindakan kita, dan seluruh laku kehidupan kita dirasakan enak oleh diri dan lingkungan sekitar… Jangan suka enak sendiri, jaga perasaan orang lain”

–Hadrotusyeikh Tholhah fi hadzazzaman Abah Aos Ra Qs–

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Salam, al-Kholish [26 Maret 2017, 14:41]


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