The Fruit of the Dzikir

dzaky fatih
dzaky fatih
1 Min Read

The pleasure of the fruit of DZIKRULLOH not because others say that but because you experience it yourself. But it has to be tasted and experienced by itself [haqqul yaqin wa akmalul yaqin]. Moreover, this feeling has to be visible and to be felt (nikmat/enak) by others. Do not like your own pleasure. In other words, what we do every day has to be felt as a pleasure by our families, colleagues, and our surroundings (Al-Kholish, 1, 2017: 37).
-A Great Sufi Master Syeikh Muhammad Abdul Gaos Saefulloh Maslul Ra Qs-

Best wishes, al-Khoolish

Nikmatnya buah DZIKRULLOH itu jangan katanya, kata orang lain. Tapi harus tercicipi, terasa, dan teralami sendiri [haqqul yaqin wa akmalul yaqin]. Bahkan, rasa tersebut harus terlihat dan terasa (nikmat/enak) oleh orang lain. Jangan suka nikmat/enak sendiri. Tutur kata, laku hidup kita sehari-hari, harus terasa nikmat/enak oleh keluarga, kolega, dan lingkungan sekitar kita.”

–Hadrotusyeikh Insan Kamil Abah Aos Ra Qs–

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Salam, al-Kholish


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