Tag: dzikr khofi

The Dzikr is the key to happiness

Perform the dzikr! So that devout practice becomes simple and easy to…

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The Dzikr makes you love goodness

With dzikr we will be yearners for goodness . It will make…

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Life is Easier with the Dzikr

Dzikr is the agent to tame what is wild . Goodness is…

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Dzikir will make us a beautiful person

LAA ILAAHA ILLALLOH is the Kalimah Thoyyibah. It means proper and beautiful…

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The Fruit of the Dzikir

The pleasure of the fruit of DZIKRULLOH not because others say that…

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Enjoy your Dzikir with Others

DZIKR has to be done so that it penetrates your feeling This…

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The true meaning of Kholwat

Why do I order that before and during dzikr you have to…

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